Truly Amazing! So many of you have shown how generous and loving you are through your unwavering support of Sacred Selections. You have proven that even a slow economy cannot keep faithful christians from helping those in need. After all was tallied and expenses were covered, the latest events provided a total of over $17,300 to the work of Sacred Selections !! That is $5,000 more than 2008! Some of you may have heard that one week after the events, Sacred Selection’s board met and promised funds to a couple in the northwest with more to follow soon. We will be updating the Sacred Selections website with those details ( so visit often and stay in touch.
I also want you to know that your example has set a fire. We have been contacted by several people throughout the country asking how they too can host events to benefit these children and couples. Your example is encouraging to us, the couples in need, and others looking for ways to help!
It is an awesome privilege to work with God’s family and witness the generosity of your hearts. So, while we thank you for your participation in this work, we praise God and give Him the glory for teaching us His ways and providing the opportunity to serve Him by serving others!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Simply Amazing!
WOW! You are not going to believe the number of business donations we have for the auction this year! Plus, we have 9 days still before the Sacred Selections Benefit weekend and we already have 25% more people committed than last year! Included in that number are some very special folks. You will meet both of the couples that we helped last year – the Corleys from Alabama, and the Lankfords from Texas! It will be great to see the fruits of your labor as we pull the money together to help even more!
Thanks to all of you that already sent in your registration forms. We needed to know how many to plan for, but it is not too late if you forgot! Just call or email us to let us know you are planning to attend and we will save you a spot. Everything is really coming together and it promises to be a lot of fun! But remember, if you can’t make it, there are still lots of babies needing your help. Please find a way to send a small donation; even $20 will help to build funds for bringing these couples and babies together.
Thanks for all of the massive support for these babies and couples. God’s people are amazing!
We look forward to seeing you all next week!
Rod & Lisa Waterman
Thanks to all of you that already sent in your registration forms. We needed to know how many to plan for, but it is not too late if you forgot! Just call or email us to let us know you are planning to attend and we will save you a spot. Everything is really coming together and it promises to be a lot of fun! But remember, if you can’t make it, there are still lots of babies needing your help. Please find a way to send a small donation; even $20 will help to build funds for bringing these couples and babies together.
Thanks for all of the massive support for these babies and couples. God’s people are amazing!
We look forward to seeing you all next week!
Rod & Lisa Waterman
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Another Note from Dana
Support of SACRED SELECTIONS does more than helping fund adoptions for Christians... it places joy, hope and trust in hearts of birthmothers that have been stripped of these blessings.
Over the years David and I have talked with countless birthmothers and they ALL naturally express concern over the family that will adopt their child.
Probably one of their first concerns is if the family can afford the adoption.
Now since SACRED SELECTIONS we have had the privilege of telling the birthmothers of the many, many Christians all around the world who are donating their money and time to help see that their baby will be placed in a Christian home.
I wish you could see and hear their AMAZEMENT that strangers would be helping them and their child for no other reason than to make sure that their baby is safe and loved in a good Christian home!
Often times this example of Christian giving has helped to plant seeds of faith in the birthmothers' empty hearts. Many have attended church services with us....they want to know more about this family of God that cares for them and their child. We make sure that they have Bibles before they leave us and we pray that God will become their light and shine His path for them for the rest of their lives!
Who knows but God what your donation can render, not only in the placement of a child into a loving Christian home, but to the very soul of a young woman floundering in the world searching for love not knowing of the most perfect love that only our Lord can and is so willing to give!
Your giving back to God from the Blessings God gave you will be the most extraordinary and powerful example of God's love that a birthmother may ever witness!
Please keep the birthmothers in your prayers that they choose life and see God's love in us!
Dana Carrozza
Over the years David and I have talked with countless birthmothers and they ALL naturally express concern over the family that will adopt their child.
Probably one of their first concerns is if the family can afford the adoption.
Now since SACRED SELECTIONS we have had the privilege of telling the birthmothers of the many, many Christians all around the world who are donating their money and time to help see that their baby will be placed in a Christian home.
I wish you could see and hear their AMAZEMENT that strangers would be helping them and their child for no other reason than to make sure that their baby is safe and loved in a good Christian home!
Often times this example of Christian giving has helped to plant seeds of faith in the birthmothers' empty hearts. Many have attended church services with us....they want to know more about this family of God that cares for them and their child. We make sure that they have Bibles before they leave us and we pray that God will become their light and shine His path for them for the rest of their lives!
Who knows but God what your donation can render, not only in the placement of a child into a loving Christian home, but to the very soul of a young woman floundering in the world searching for love not knowing of the most perfect love that only our Lord can and is so willing to give!
Your giving back to God from the Blessings God gave you will be the most extraordinary and powerful example of God's love that a birthmother may ever witness!
Please keep the birthmothers in your prayers that they choose life and see God's love in us!
Dana Carrozza
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Why YOU Should Participate in the Benefit June 5 & 6
My Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters:
ADOPTION is a foreign word to so many conjures up images of babies being either abandoned by birthmothers or "snatched" from their arms in some horrific manner. Adoption is NOT like this in our society today. Often times young women who find themselves pregnant are shocked and don't know where to turn. Unfortunately our Government, encouraged and underscored by the media, have devised a "Quick Fix" for their Dilemma....Abortion.”This will solve ALL your problems,” they say and many women buy into that myth. God has placed in ALL of our hearts a great understanding and appreciation for LIFE and there are some who feel life that dwells inside of them and try to choose an alternative to killing their child.
The more that David and I work with Pregnant women the more we see their understanding of LIFE and its precious nature... but soooo many have been fed the "garbage" permeating our society that abortion is the answer that they are left confused and reeling from the responsibilities and possibilities of them caring for a child in the future!
This is where Christians need to step forward to HELP these birthmothers and their babies that they so desperately LOVE but cannot care for....Think about it.... what are their alternatives? Care for them without any means of support?..... Pass them off to foster care at birth? (and let me tell you the social workers are standing by ready to "scoop" up these babies from young women without a plan) OR make an adoption plan for their baby?
Do you know how many birthmothers think that it will cost them money to choose adoption???? I talk to adoption attorneys all across America and they ALL tell me the same thing that the birthmother let the child go to foster care because she couldn't afford the attorney's fees for adoption!! Just another one of the devil's tricks.
Nearly ALL birthmothers thank their adoptive families for taking their children to love and to raise.... they say to me "I am soooo lucky that they would choose to LOVE and care for my child...I am so happy for my child to have such a gift as a mom and dad who REALLY want them!" And more than that several of my birthmothers get pregnant again want the families that adopted their first child to also adopt this child.
I have had good, well meaning Christians tell me to my face that "No mother would EVER give her child willingly so we just don't want to be a part of that!" Just because you have not experienced something DOES NOT MAKE IT A FACT!!!
It is a feeling whether spoken or unspoken throughout almost all birthmothers who are facing adoption...."Why would anyone ever want to adopt my child when I don't even want it?!!! Do you hear the devil at ALL in that statement?
Brothers and Sisters in Christ.... I tell you now for certainty that there are countless thousands of babies and children just here in the United States that are crying and desperately needing a Christian home!! You need to look no further than your front door...Do you know the abortion statistics in your home state?...Get to know them....YOU Will be Shocked!!! The young waitress at the Cracker Barrell is probably pregnant and deciding on an abortion....The check out girl at Walmart is probably pregnant and daydreaming of how she could keep her child or choose abortion! Just one random kindly word stating that you believe in LIFE and would be willing to help anyone trying to decide on LIFE could save an innocent child.
The fundraiser in Memphis this June picks up ALL the broken pieces of hearts and puts them together in such a BEAUTIFUL .. LOVING and CHRISTIAN way!!
Birthmothers looking for a better way for their child can be connected with a Christian family who are ready, willing, and able to raise a child.... the ONLY thing standing in their sad if a child is lost over money ....
When i initially talk to birthmothers the first thing that they want to know about are the types of families that they can choose from...If i can ONLY show her 3 families who have the money available for adoption now.....the chances are narrowed to the point that we may lose that child to abortion, welfare, or a family who is not Christian!
Christians who have open hearts and homes to adoption of little innocent souls are my heroes!!! Not everyone can make that step.... but if you can just help one of these families bring a child into their home that may not have had the chance to know GOD's LOVE... You too can be a very IMPORTANT part of their adoption! You can watch their progress in the LORD and one day have the extreme pleasure of worshipping with them... with the ULTIMATE GLORY of joining them in HEAVEN!!
My Challenge to ALL Christians.... Either ADOPT or help finance an ADOPTION for a Christian Family.
May Our Lord be Praised
Dana Carrozza
ADOPTION is a foreign word to so many conjures up images of babies being either abandoned by birthmothers or "snatched" from their arms in some horrific manner. Adoption is NOT like this in our society today. Often times young women who find themselves pregnant are shocked and don't know where to turn. Unfortunately our Government, encouraged and underscored by the media, have devised a "Quick Fix" for their Dilemma....Abortion.”This will solve ALL your problems,” they say and many women buy into that myth. God has placed in ALL of our hearts a great understanding and appreciation for LIFE and there are some who feel life that dwells inside of them and try to choose an alternative to killing their child.
The more that David and I work with Pregnant women the more we see their understanding of LIFE and its precious nature... but soooo many have been fed the "garbage" permeating our society that abortion is the answer that they are left confused and reeling from the responsibilities and possibilities of them caring for a child in the future!
This is where Christians need to step forward to HELP these birthmothers and their babies that they so desperately LOVE but cannot care for....Think about it.... what are their alternatives? Care for them without any means of support?..... Pass them off to foster care at birth? (and let me tell you the social workers are standing by ready to "scoop" up these babies from young women without a plan) OR make an adoption plan for their baby?
Do you know how many birthmothers think that it will cost them money to choose adoption???? I talk to adoption attorneys all across America and they ALL tell me the same thing that the birthmother let the child go to foster care because she couldn't afford the attorney's fees for adoption!! Just another one of the devil's tricks.
Nearly ALL birthmothers thank their adoptive families for taking their children to love and to raise.... they say to me "I am soooo lucky that they would choose to LOVE and care for my child...I am so happy for my child to have such a gift as a mom and dad who REALLY want them!" And more than that several of my birthmothers get pregnant again want the families that adopted their first child to also adopt this child.
I have had good, well meaning Christians tell me to my face that "No mother would EVER give her child willingly so we just don't want to be a part of that!" Just because you have not experienced something DOES NOT MAKE IT A FACT!!!
It is a feeling whether spoken or unspoken throughout almost all birthmothers who are facing adoption...."Why would anyone ever want to adopt my child when I don't even want it?!!! Do you hear the devil at ALL in that statement?
Brothers and Sisters in Christ.... I tell you now for certainty that there are countless thousands of babies and children just here in the United States that are crying and desperately needing a Christian home!! You need to look no further than your front door...Do you know the abortion statistics in your home state?...Get to know them....YOU Will be Shocked!!! The young waitress at the Cracker Barrell is probably pregnant and deciding on an abortion....The check out girl at Walmart is probably pregnant and daydreaming of how she could keep her child or choose abortion! Just one random kindly word stating that you believe in LIFE and would be willing to help anyone trying to decide on LIFE could save an innocent child.
The fundraiser in Memphis this June picks up ALL the broken pieces of hearts and puts them together in such a BEAUTIFUL .. LOVING and CHRISTIAN way!!
Birthmothers looking for a better way for their child can be connected with a Christian family who are ready, willing, and able to raise a child.... the ONLY thing standing in their sad if a child is lost over money ....
When i initially talk to birthmothers the first thing that they want to know about are the types of families that they can choose from...If i can ONLY show her 3 families who have the money available for adoption now.....the chances are narrowed to the point that we may lose that child to abortion, welfare, or a family who is not Christian!
Christians who have open hearts and homes to adoption of little innocent souls are my heroes!!! Not everyone can make that step.... but if you can just help one of these families bring a child into their home that may not have had the chance to know GOD's LOVE... You too can be a very IMPORTANT part of their adoption! You can watch their progress in the LORD and one day have the extreme pleasure of worshipping with them... with the ULTIMATE GLORY of joining them in HEAVEN!!
My Challenge to ALL Christians.... Either ADOPT or help finance an ADOPTION for a Christian Family.
May Our Lord be Praised
Dana Carrozza

According to the apostle Paul (Romans 8:14-17), God loves us so much that he is willing to adopt us into His family, even though we can never earn such a right. As christians, we benefit from the never ending love of God. We did not do anything for it, we certainly do not deserve it. He simply loves us and is willing to take us in and bless us.
There are many christian couples that already love those babies looking for a home. They are ready to adopt a child and give her their blessings. The blessings of a godly upbringing and everlasting love. Some just need a little help with the expenses of adoption. They can handle the month-to-month expenses, but adoption can cost $7,000 to $10,000 and they just do not have the cash to make it happen. The good news is, WE can make it happen! Through the love of many, a child will find a loving home. Through the love of many, we give more children the chance to be called a child of God one day. Please help us help them. Send in your registration while you are thinking about it. We are SO excited about all of the folks that are planning to attend. We will have fun and be uplifted, but most importantly, we will help a child and her new parents form a family.
Rod & Lisa Waterman
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Week in Scottsdale, Arizona!

Auction Item Alert!!! We have been blessed to have a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in Scottsdale, Arizona donated for the week of October 16-23, 2009. It will sleep 6 and would make an awesome golf getaway or fall break family vacation! (For more information, go to So, bring those checkbooks to the barbecue dinner and auction and be ready to bid on this and many more exciting items. And keep those auction items coming - so many of you are working hard to get great items for us, but we can always use more!
Don't forget to get your registration forms filled out and turned in with your fees for the dinner/auction and golf tournament by May 22. Just send us an email at or call Rod and Lisa Waterman at (901) 380-0819 and we'll be happy to send you the form.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Chuck's Challenge
While it is never our intention to feed off of emotion, if anything can get our attention, it’s a baby in need. That is why so many christians are opening up to help. While many will make it to at least one of the benefit events, many who cannot are still excited about sending a donation. Chuck, one of our brothers in Christ in Jackson, TN is sending a donation because he and his wife cannot be here. He believes in the cause so much, he wants to challenge everyone who cannot make it to the events to do the same. We know times are tough for some of you who have felt the blow to the economy. But, those couples that are open to receiving a baby into their home are just as concerned about the future of our economy and need our help. If you can afford to help at all, we encourage you to take time to come together with brothers and sisters to help other christians build a life for a child. We REALLY want you to come to the events. But, if you simply cannot, please consider a donation.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hotel Accommodations

We have arranged with the Wingate Hotel at Wolfchase for a special room rate for attendees of the Sacred Selections benefit on June 5th and 6th. The Wingate is located at 2270 N. Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN 38016 about 1/2 mile south of I-40 at Exit 16. If you will call the hotel directly at 901-386-1110 and tell them that you are coming for the Sacred Selections benefit you will get the room rate of $79.99 + tax. This is $30 less than their best rate on the internet. The hotel is very nice with large guest rooms furnished with two queen beds or one king bed. This rate includes a hot Continental breakfast.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Benefit Weekend Q & A
Q: Do I need to purchase BBQ dinner tickets in advance or can they be purchased at the door?
A: Please purchase your tickets in advance. We need a head count by May 22nd so we will know how much barbecue to order and how many tables we need to set up. Please email us at, and we will be happy to email you the registration form. You may also call Lisa and Rod Waterman at (901) 380-0819 and they can email or mail the registration form to you.
Q: Do I need to purchase Pancake Breakfast tickets in advance or can they be purchased at the door?
A: Pancake Breakfast tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. Again, just email or call and we will send you the registration form or you can wait until Saturday morning and show up at Applebee's and we'll be happy to accept your donation then!
Q: Do I need to purchase my Golf Tournament ticket in advance or can I wait until the day of?
A: Please purchase your Golf Tournament in advance. Your ticket purchase will include dinner following the tournament. Again, we need a head count by May 22nd. A simple email or call will get you the registration form.
We look forward to seeing everyone the weekend of June 5th and 6th. This can only be a success with all of your help!
A: Please purchase your tickets in advance. We need a head count by May 22nd so we will know how much barbecue to order and how many tables we need to set up. Please email us at, and we will be happy to email you the registration form. You may also call Lisa and Rod Waterman at (901) 380-0819 and they can email or mail the registration form to you.
Q: Do I need to purchase Pancake Breakfast tickets in advance or can they be purchased at the door?
A: Pancake Breakfast tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. Again, just email or call and we will send you the registration form or you can wait until Saturday morning and show up at Applebee's and we'll be happy to accept your donation then!
Q: Do I need to purchase my Golf Tournament ticket in advance or can I wait until the day of?
A: Please purchase your Golf Tournament in advance. Your ticket purchase will include dinner following the tournament. Again, we need a head count by May 22nd. A simple email or call will get you the registration form.
We look forward to seeing everyone the weekend of June 5th and 6th. This can only be a success with all of your help!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Working with the Lord's people, helping to change the lives of little baby at a time!
The sad fact is that our society promotes sexual activity and that results in many women being faced with “surprise” pregnancy and how they are going to raise their unborn child. Unfortunately, abortion is a seemingly easy direction to take, and many do. The leaders of Sacred Selections began teaching these young women that adoption is a real alternative that can take away their burden and save the child’s life. What a heroic and wonderful effort! But, they do not stop there. Because of the high costs associated with adoption, Sacred Selections is working to help fund these adoptions for christian families across the nation. Now it gets exciting, because we can help!
If you were a part of the Sacred Selection benefit activities last year then you already know what a huge success your efforts were. Sacred Selections was able to help fund the adoption of two more babies because of the outpouring of support shown by brethren of west Tennessee last June. Sacred Selections is dedicated to helping many more babies find their way into homes that provide godly love and nurturing. This foundation is a non-profit 501(C)3 California corporation established in 2006 by individual Christians who are dedicated to this work and I encourage you all to support them.
We have planned some special events on Friday, June 5th and Saturday, June 6th in Bartlett, TN where you can become involved with this worthy effort. The founders of Sacred Selections, David and Dana Carrozza, will be joining us along with a couple of surprise guests! So, please reserve some time on your calendars to join us at one of these events during this fun filled weekend.
Planned Events for Sacred Selections include:
· Friday, June 5th at 6:30 p.m.: Famous Memphis BBQ Feast & Auction at Bartlett Municipal Center
· Saturday, June 6th from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's
· Saturday, June 6th at 1:00 p.m.: Golf Tournament at Stonebridge Golf Course and dinner afterward
We hope you will plan on joining us in this effort, if not by participating in one of our planned activities, then possibly through a simple donation. And please, pass this on!
For more information, feel free to email us at or call Rod and Lisa Waterman at 901-380-0819.
If you were a part of the Sacred Selection benefit activities last year then you already know what a huge success your efforts were. Sacred Selections was able to help fund the adoption of two more babies because of the outpouring of support shown by brethren of west Tennessee last June. Sacred Selections is dedicated to helping many more babies find their way into homes that provide godly love and nurturing. This foundation is a non-profit 501(C)3 California corporation established in 2006 by individual Christians who are dedicated to this work and I encourage you all to support them.
We have planned some special events on Friday, June 5th and Saturday, June 6th in Bartlett, TN where you can become involved with this worthy effort. The founders of Sacred Selections, David and Dana Carrozza, will be joining us along with a couple of surprise guests! So, please reserve some time on your calendars to join us at one of these events during this fun filled weekend.
Planned Events for Sacred Selections include:
· Friday, June 5th at 6:30 p.m.: Famous Memphis BBQ Feast & Auction at Bartlett Municipal Center
· Saturday, June 6th from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.: Pancake Breakfast at Applebee's
· Saturday, June 6th at 1:00 p.m.: Golf Tournament at Stonebridge Golf Course and dinner afterward
We hope you will plan on joining us in this effort, if not by participating in one of our planned activities, then possibly through a simple donation. And please, pass this on!
For more information, feel free to email us at or call Rod and Lisa Waterman at 901-380-0819.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Count Your Blessings
Last evening one of the preachers we support, Dana Whistler, was in town and talked to us about his work in Belize. He showed us a few slides of the brethren there and told us about the lives of some of them. One couple was shown with their new home with big smiles on their faces. Their new home was 20ft x 24ft. He talked to us further about how we view what we need in life. There, electricity is not always viewed as a need. Their needs are simply food, shelter and clothing. How humbling that is. We all have so much in America. Sacred Selections offers us a chance to give to a true need. A child needs a family that will raise it in the Lord. Let’s do our part.

For more information about how you can be a part of the Sacred Selections Bartlett Fundraiser which will take place June 5th and 6th, send an email to or call Rod and Lisa Waterman at 901-380-0819. You may also send a donation directly to Rod and Lisa at 3865 Windy Trail Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135. Make checks out to "Sacred Selections."

For more information about how you can be a part of the Sacred Selections Bartlett Fundraiser which will take place June 5th and 6th, send an email to or call Rod and Lisa Waterman at 901-380-0819. You may also send a donation directly to Rod and Lisa at 3865 Windy Trail Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135. Make checks out to "Sacred Selections."
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Awesome Auction!
We’re getting ready for the auction to benefit Sacred Selections on June 5th. Mason Harris has volunteered to be our auctioneer once again. It promises to be a fun night!

Our sweet Grace (11 years old) has been busy knitting again. She knitted scarves for our auction last year and now she has made an afghan for this year’s auction. Grace has been so enthusiastic in her support of helping the babies that Miss Judy, who used to live next door to Grace, has gotten involved too. This is a beautiful blue/green afghan that Grace has made for us. It will keep someone warm and cozy next winter.

Her friend, Miss Judy made this beautiful white baby blanket. It is absolutely exquisite and will become a very special heirloom for some sweet baby!

Do you have something that you would like to donate to the auction? You may contact Lisa at Last year we had everything from a Red Velvet Cake to a ride in a Fedex flight simulator.
Save the date and make plans to join us on June 5th for a Memphis Barbeque Feast and an auction of wonderful items. All of this supports our cause: Helping babies find Christian homes!

Our sweet Grace (11 years old) has been busy knitting again. She knitted scarves for our auction last year and now she has made an afghan for this year’s auction. Grace has been so enthusiastic in her support of helping the babies that Miss Judy, who used to live next door to Grace, has gotten involved too. This is a beautiful blue/green afghan that Grace has made for us. It will keep someone warm and cozy next winter.

Her friend, Miss Judy made this beautiful white baby blanket. It is absolutely exquisite and will become a very special heirloom for some sweet baby!

Do you have something that you would like to donate to the auction? You may contact Lisa at Last year we had everything from a Red Velvet Cake to a ride in a Fedex flight simulator.
Save the date and make plans to join us on June 5th for a Memphis Barbeque Feast and an auction of wonderful items. All of this supports our cause: Helping babies find Christian homes!
Monday, April 13, 2009
How Did We Get Involved in Sacred Selections?
In early 2008, a group of Christians in Bartlett, TN were discussing the importance of adoption and that a major hurdle for many young couples is the cost involved to complete an adoption. One friend had recently attended the Florida College lectures and had become reacquainted with Dana Carozza and her work with Sacred Selections.
After contacting the Carozzas and learning more about the foundation, how it is operated and the great work they are accomplishing, it was clear that Sacred Selections provides a unique opportunity for Christians to get involved in promoting and supporting adoption as an alternative to abortion while helping young couples with the expense of adoption. After calling upon family and friends for ideas and support, a plan was developed to bring this great opportunity to more people.
The first fund raising weekend for Sacred Selections was held in June of that year. The fun began on Friday night with a barbecue dinner, homemade desserts, and an auction of donated items from generous local businesses and fabulous friends. Early the next morning middle school and high school students served a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s restaurant. That afternoon a golf tournament was held at beautiful Quail Ridge Golf Course. When everything was tallied the friends from the Bartlett area had raised $17,000 – enough money to help TWO Christian families reach their dreams and adopt TWO babies.
Join us June 5th & 6th, 2009 for the 2nd Annual Bartlett Benefit for Sacred Selections. Working and having fun together we can make more dreams come true for more babies and their adoptive families.
After contacting the Carozzas and learning more about the foundation, how it is operated and the great work they are accomplishing, it was clear that Sacred Selections provides a unique opportunity for Christians to get involved in promoting and supporting adoption as an alternative to abortion while helping young couples with the expense of adoption. After calling upon family and friends for ideas and support, a plan was developed to bring this great opportunity to more people.
The first fund raising weekend for Sacred Selections was held in June of that year. The fun began on Friday night with a barbecue dinner, homemade desserts, and an auction of donated items from generous local businesses and fabulous friends. Early the next morning middle school and high school students served a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s restaurant. That afternoon a golf tournament was held at beautiful Quail Ridge Golf Course. When everything was tallied the friends from the Bartlett area had raised $17,000 – enough money to help TWO Christian families reach their dreams and adopt TWO babies.
Join us June 5th & 6th, 2009 for the 2nd Annual Bartlett Benefit for Sacred Selections. Working and having fun together we can make more dreams come true for more babies and their adoptive families.
Monday, April 6, 2009
What is Sacred Selections?
The mission of Sacred Selections is to financially assist Christian couples whose hearts and homes are open to loving and raising a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
The dream of parenting does not have to be constrained by limited financial resources. The foundation, its board, and many generous donors are committed to using the blessings we’ve received to assist in the wonderful effort of creating a Christian homes and families.
How Did It All Begin?
In 1992 David and Dana Carozza started what would eventually become a chain of medical laboratories called THE LAB. During this time Dana became aware of a significant number of young women coming into THE LAB for pregnancy tests. Many were interested in documenting the results for the purpose of having abortions. Because of privacy laws Dana was not allowed to talk to them about anything regarding their pregnancies or their alternatives. This weighed on Dana and David and they prayed for an answer. At Dana’s prompting a brochure, “Adoption is an Option”, was designed by a local adoption facilitation service and placed in the laboratory patient service centers. This silent protest to the abomination of abortion reached many.
Next week: How did we become involved in Sacred Selections?
**Don't forget to mail your tax-deductible donation made out to "Sacred Selections" to Rod and Lisa Waterman at 3865 Windy Trail Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135. Also, check out the Sacred Selections website: We'll be posting more info soon on this blog regarding how to get your tickets to the June benefit in Bartlett. If you have any questions, email us at**
The dream of parenting does not have to be constrained by limited financial resources. The foundation, its board, and many generous donors are committed to using the blessings we’ve received to assist in the wonderful effort of creating a Christian homes and families.
How Did It All Begin?
In 1992 David and Dana Carozza started what would eventually become a chain of medical laboratories called THE LAB. During this time Dana became aware of a significant number of young women coming into THE LAB for pregnancy tests. Many were interested in documenting the results for the purpose of having abortions. Because of privacy laws Dana was not allowed to talk to them about anything regarding their pregnancies or their alternatives. This weighed on Dana and David and they prayed for an answer. At Dana’s prompting a brochure, “Adoption is an Option”, was designed by a local adoption facilitation service and placed in the laboratory patient service centers. This silent protest to the abomination of abortion reached many.
Next week: How did we become involved in Sacred Selections?
**Don't forget to mail your tax-deductible donation made out to "Sacred Selections" to Rod and Lisa Waterman at 3865 Windy Trail Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135. Also, check out the Sacred Selections website: We'll be posting more info soon on this blog regarding how to get your tickets to the June benefit in Bartlett. If you have any questions, email us at**
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Save the Date!

We had our first meeting last night, and the date is set for the 2nd Annual Sacred Selections Benefit Weekend. The Barbecue Dinner and Live Auction will be held June 5th, 2009 at the Bartlett Municipal Building. The Pancake Breakfast and Golf Tournament will take place on June 6th. We are excited and can't wait to raise a ton of money for this worthy cause!
This event is open to EVERYONE - not just area Christians. Please spread the word and invite anyone and everyone you know. You never know who has been touched in some way by adoption.
Also, we need donations for the live auction on Friday night. These items can range from handmade baby dresses to antique furniture to gift certificates to paintings to cakes and pies! Between now and the event we will be posting pictures of some of the items from last year and items that we've collected so far for this year. So, get those donations coming because June will be here before you know it!
If you can't make it to the event, you can mail your tax-deductible donation to Rod and Lisa Waterman at 3865 Windy Trail Cove, Bartlett, TN 38135. Make your check out to "Sacred Selections." If you would like to be added to our email or mailing list, send an email to or call the Watermans at 901-380-0819.
For more information about Sacred Selections, visit their website at Please check back with the blog often for more updates about the event. We can't wait to see you in June!
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